If you haven’t read my Charlotte Denver series yet, now’s a perfect time to get acquainted!
I’ve reduced all the ebooks in the Charlotte Denver series to $2.99/£2.99/€2.99 at Amazon, Apple, and Kobo, for a few days. All apart from book one, which is 99c/p
If you’re not familiar with the series, the strapline is, What happens when small-town murder meets a big-hearted café owner? which is the best way to describe the series in one sentence. They’re lighthearted mysteries, with no cliffhangers, and no graphic violence or language, but plenty of fun, sleuthing, recipes, and the happiest of endings.
If you like small-town mysteries with inquisitive, politically incorrect locals, plot twists you won’t see coming, a few dogs and cats along the way, and a little romance, these books have all that and more! Set in the coastal town of St Eves, it’s a close-knit community where everyone knows a little of everyone else’s business, and makes the rest up as they go along…
If you’re interested in picking up any of the Charlotte Denver books at a discount, here are the links which will take you to a page with all the books listed:
The Charlotte Denver Series
If you prefer to get your books from libraries, they’ll soon be available there, following a number of requests from readers. Your friendly, local librarian should be able to help, if you ask for a copy to be ordered for the library’s collection.
Other news
I have my head down at the moment, writing book five in the Bliss Bay series, title and cover tba soon. Lots to do, and, as always, not enough time to do it! Time management has never been my strong point.
Take care until next time.