If you’ve read any of the books in my Charlotte Denver mystery series, you’ll be familiar with Charlotte’s loyal friends, and partners in mischief, senior citizens Ava, Harriett, and Betty.
The trio were based on my mother-in-law, Joyce, and her sisters, Rene and Dolly. Sadly, none of them are with us any more, but they were a constant source of fun when they were.

Joyce, in particular, and on whom Ava is based, had the driest sense of humour that made me laugh till my ribs ached. Think Lady Violet (Dowager Countess of Grantham from Downton Abbey) with a liberal sprinkling of Dorothy from the Golden Girls.
Here’s Rene, Dolly, and Joyce, aka Harriett, Betty, and Ava, looking tanned and relaxed during one of their frequent caravan holidays.
A lot of readers ask if my characters are based on anyone in particular, so I thought I’d share a little back story here every now and then.