Just dropping this here to answer some of the questions I get asked a lot by prospective readers who aren’t sure if the Cozy Mystery genre is for them.
These are the most common questions, with answers.
Are cozies violent?
Generally, cozies aren’t violent. That said, many centre around murders, so there’s an element of violence, but it almost always happens ‘off-stage’. In the case of a murder, it’s usually someone unpopular who gets bumped off.
Do they contain any sex?
Romance is common – there may even be references to sex – but anything more graphic is generally not found within the pages of a cozy.
Do they contain bad language?
In a traditional cozy, profanity is mild and infrequent, if at all. I’ve seen some quite strong language in a few modern cozies, though.
Are they just set in the US or UK?
No. They can be anywhere in the world, although the setting is usually a small town or village, with a close-knit community.
Do cozies always feature women sleuths?
No. The sleuth can be any gender, although most often they’re an amateur sleuth. Think Murder she Wrote.
The sleuth can be someone from the community in which the mystery takes place, or a visitor. In a series, the sleuth is usually the same person.
Can a cozy be set in any time period?
Yes! Cozies can be present day, futuristic, or historical.
All this said, there are exceptions. This is just to give those who aren’t familiar with the genre a general idea of what cozies are about.
The graphic shows some–but not all!–of the elements you’ll find in a cozy mystery.
Feel free to add anything I’ve missed!